Information & Training
Donamon Castle,
Co. Roscommon
F42 YE13
Thursday 13th February
Friday 14th February 2025
10.30 – 5.00 pm (both days)
All Welcome
Pre-booking essential as places are limited.
Do you wish to see children between the ages of seven and eleven (First Holy Communion and Confirmation) come to an abiding, loving, personal relationship with God? Do Jesus’ words ‘Let the children come to me’ resonate with you? Are you open to helping your child or other peoples’ children appreciate being part of the Church, and its mission? If your answer to any of these questions is ‘Yes!’, this page is for you!
Background to Above Gathering
Most adults love to see children grow into healthy wholesome adults. Many parents, grandparents and teachers make great sacrifices to support them, and which of us is not grateful to a sports coach, youth club leader, priest or signficant other who facilitated our enjoyment and learning as children?
It has long been recognised, regarding all facets of childrens’ development, that children nurtured by family, school and community are like sun-loving plants placed in rich, moist, sun-drenched soil. This is especially true when it comes to their spiritual development.
Today, and mostly because of cultural and societal changes to which we, as Church, are just beginning to respond, committed Catholic parents are coming to appreciate their need for additional support in handing on the Catholic faith. They recognise the need to complement their own provision in the home, and the provision of their children’s teachers, with engaging, fun-loving learning and worship opportunities that children undertake with other children.
Within the Achonry and Elphin dioceses , a small group of women and men, laity and clergy, greatly encouraged by Bishop Kevin Doran, have emerged around the question of how best to proceed. Their research has led them to developments in our countries, and in particular to a very child-friendly catechetical programme called ‘Come, Follow Me’. ‘
CATECHESIS … part of our shared mission
The previous paragraph contained an important word that may be new to you, i.e. ‘catechetical’.
Through the centuries a great number of women and men have devoted time to reflecting on how best to share our Catholic faith with our children. One of the legacies from their engagement are certain key words, including: (i) Catechesis, (ii) Catechetics, (iii) Catechetical, and (iv) Catechist.
‘Catechesis’ is the word used by the Church to describe the practice of handing on our Faith. Its origins are in a Greek word meaning ‘oral instruction’ and it includes the everyday ways, often conversation-based, by which we echo the teachings of the Church to one another. To engage in ‘catechesis’ does not require any special training or expertise. It’s simply allowing our faith and understanding to permeate our everyday communication with family, friends etc.
That stated, which of us has not benefitted for the sharings of a good teacher, priest or other person who has taken time to prepare a lesson, homily or some other form of instruction? This bring me to our second word, ‘Catechetics’. ‘Catechetics’ refers to the craft, art and science of handing on our Faith, especially when done in a conscious and deliberate way.
‘Catechetical’ is simply ‘of catechesis’. For example, a parent who teaches their child to bless themselves in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, or who reads a bible story to them in a prayerful way is engaging in a ‘catechetical’ activity. The word ‘catechetical’ may also decribe a conversation through which a priest seeks to enrich children’s understanding of God or the Church.
In recent times many catechetical programmes have been written to support children’s catechesis. All take on board the current cultural milieu, as well as God’s desire for children to better know all three persons of the Blessed Trinity.
We refer to those who facilitate such programmes as ‘catechists’, i.e. peope who formally engage in the handing on of our Faith to others.
Today, there is a growing tendency for parishes to have ‘Volunteer Catechists’, and for them to facilitate an array of catechetcial programmes and opportunites.
‘Come, Follow Me’ Children’s Catechetical Programme
The ‘Come, Follow Me’ catechetical programme originated in France and today it is well-established there, and in tthe UK. It is also gaining a foothold in Ireland.
It has been chosen for the following reasons:
- It is very child-friendly and both children and parents have been known to enjoy it
- Children learn alot by participating in it
- It complements the ‘Grow in Love’ Religious Education programme approved for use in all Catholic Schools in Ireland
- It is adaptable, and all sessions can be run in an hour or less
- It can be used very effectively as the basis of Faith and Fun clubs for children
- It can also serve as the basis of Sunday School style provision
- lt can be taken up and offered by adults who don’t have any formal training in children’s catechetics
- It can be adapted for use in the family home
- It is highly participatory and leads to fun
- It can be used with very small groups of children, and with full classes
- It seeks to foster a personal relationship between each participating child / adult and God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Our Lady, the Saints and the Church.
- It uses visual aids and child-friendly activities to support children’s engagement.
Like all great programmes, one of its strengths is that it does not try to do everything. For example, it does not seek to prepare children to receive any sacrament but it does enrich their participation in Mass and Confession. In terms of our dioceses, the preparation of children for the sacraments will remain the responsibility of each parish in partnership with parents and teachers. Provision will be separate from the contribution offered via ‘Come, Follow Me’ Faith & Fun clubs.
A visual representation of some of the resources used when sharing biblical stories during ‘Come, Follow Me’ sessions.
Thursday 13th February
DAY 1 – Getting a sense of what’s possible
10.30 – 10. 45 am
Registration & Orientation
10.45 – 11.00 am
Mass Preparation
11.00 – 11.50 am
Celebration of Eucharist with Bishop Kevin Doran & Bishop Kevin’s Opening Address
11.50 – 12.55 pm
Finding and engaging with the ‘Come, Follow Me’ programme – our story
– Ruth Dilleen, Kate Delaney & other adult members of the Galway ‘Come, Follow Me’ Team.
13.00 – 13.45 pm
* Participants requested to bring a packed lunch so as to keep costs to a minimum.
Tea / Coffee, biscuits will be available
13.45 – 14.45 pm
‘Helping children to listen and to wonder at the works of God’ – an experience of a ‘Come, Follow Me’ session
– Sr Hyacinthe Defos du Rau OP
14:45 – 15.05 pm
Facilitated feedback …. so what did we see and observe?
– Event Team Member (Facilitator)
15.10 – 15.25 pm
Tea/Coffee & biscuits
15.30 – 16.20 pm
‘Come, Follow Me’ in the Family Home – Allowing Jesus teach us to pray
– Marie Mahon & Marie Fitzpatrick, Rathdowney, Co. Laois
* Marie and Marie (mother and grandmother) will model how they present
‘Come, Follow Me’ to their children
16:20 – 16.40 pm
Facilitated feedback …. so what did we see and observe?
– Event Team Member (Facilitator)
16.40 – 17.15 pm
Closing Prayer Ritual
– Fr Victor Akongwale CC Swinford
Friday 14th February
DAY 2 – Going a little deeper
10.30 – 10. 45 am
Registration & Orientation
10.45 – 11.00 am
Mass Preparation
11.00 – 11.40 am
Celebration of Eucharist with Fr John Maloney PP Attymass
11.40 – 12 noon
‘So what has stayed with us from yesterday?’
… Facilitated discussion and brief introduction to Day 1 for newcomers
– Member of Event Team (Facilitator)
12 noon – 12.55 pm
Introduction to the inspiration, thinking and educational principles underpinning ‘Come, Follow Me’
– Sr Hyacinthe Defos du Rau OP
13.00 – 13.45 pm
* Participants requested to bring a packed lunch so as to keep costs to a
minimum. Tea / Coffee, biscuits will be available
13.45 – 14.00 pm
Introduction to ‘Come, Follow Me’ promotional literature, resources and related practicalities
– Sr Cooey Fowler OP & Member of Event Team
14.00 – 14.45 pm
Engaging children with bible stories
– Sr Hyacinthe Defos du Rau OP
14.45 – 15.45 pm
Fostering children’s friendship with Our Lady and the Saints – another experience of a ‘Come, Follow Me’ session
– Sr Cooey Fowler OP
15.45 – 16.00 pm
Tea/Coffee & biscuits
16.00 – 16.40 pm (Choice or conversations)
Conversation 1
‘So how might we get this up and running in our homes or parishes?’
– Sr Hyacinthe Defos du Rau OP will serve as facilitator
Conversation 2
‘What is resonating with us from this event that we wish to tend to going forward?’
– Fr John Maloney PP Attymass
16.40 – 16.50 pm
Invitation to join Ireland’s ‘Come, Follow Me’ Network
– A representative of current network
16.50 – 17.00 pm
Expression of thanks & Closing Prayer Ritual
Justin Harkin & Fr John McManus PP VG
Keynote Speakers & Event Oversight Team Members
Sr Cooey is a native of County Down and a graduate of St Mary’s University College Belfast. Before joining the Dominican Sisters of St. Joseph in 2019 she taught Religious Studies for more than ten years in Secondary Schools in the USA, England and Ireland. Currently she is the third year of temporary vows, and in addition to supporting her community in a variety of ways, serves as both a Catechist, working alongside children and adults, and as a trainer of Catechists through her congregation’s Two Year Certificate for Catechesis. Sr Cooey regularly engages with children through the ‘Come, Follow Me’ catechetical programme and also supports training initiatives for adults interested in introducing ‘Come Follow Me’ in their parishes etc.
Oversight Team
* Mrs Eithne Deane, Boyle Parish, Elphin Diocese.
* Fr John Maloney PP, Attymass Parish, Achonry Diocese.
* Mrs Patricia McCormack, Tulsk Parish, Elphin Diocese.
* Fr Victor Akongwale, Swinford Parish, Achonry Diocese.
* Justin Harkin, Pastoral & Faith Development Services, Elphin Diocese.
Reservation of Places
Places Reserved (as of 24th November 2024): 8
Places Remaining: 52
To reserve a place please contact Justin Harkin on 087 6171526 / justin@elphindiocese.ie
For More Information
Please contact
Justin Harkin
Elphin Diocese
Pastoral & Faith Development Services
087 6171526
Updated: 24th November 2024