Dear friends,
As part of our engagement with the Synodal Pathway, initiated by Pope Francis, I am holding a number of facilitated listening events in four venues across the diocese over the next few weeks. These meetings will be an opportunity for all of us together to reflect on our Church, to look at what is helping us to grow as communities of faith and to see where we can better support one another in our faith journey. Many parishioners have already returned their responses to the questionnaire I sent out last month, and I am grateful for those, which have surfaced many issues on which we will all need to reflect. The forthcoming meetings provide a further opportunity for us to hear one another in an even more open way. The meetings are open to all who wish to share their views on the Church, and I would welcome especially those who may feel alienated or who have felt let down by the Church in the past. It is by listening to one another and being in conversation that we can best discover where God is leading us at this time. Feel free to come to the venue which is most convenient for you.
The arrangements for our meetings:
Fr Peyton Cluster: Tuesday, April 26th Attymass – the Father Peyton Centre at 8.00 pm
St Attracta’s Cluster: Wednesday, April 27th, Tubbercurry – An Chroi South Sligo Enterprise Centre (adjacent to Basta premises) at 8.00
St Joseph’s Cluster: Tuesday, May 3rd, Swinford, the Gateway Hotel, at 8.00 pm
Tubbercurry Cluster: Wednesday, May 4th, Ballisodare, the Parish Hall at 8.00 pm
With kind regards,