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Garda Vetting

Applications for Vetting are now submitted electronically in a process known as e-Vetting. The National Vetting Bureau (NVB) is no longer accepting paper applications.

Please find below the relevant forms, downloads and an outline of how the e-Vetting process works.  For all related queries please contact:

Ms Mary Nicholson,
Diocesan Safeguarding,
Bishop’s House,
Convent Road,
Ballaghaderreen, Co. Roscommon.  F45 H004

Tel.094-986 0034


e-Vetting Invitation Form (NVB 1) & Guidelines for Completion
Parent/Guardian Consent Form (NVB 3) – Required for applicants under 18 years of age where vetting is applicable
Proof of Identity Check-List



A copy of the e-Vetting Invitation Form (NVB 1) is available to download from the Diocesan Website

  • An Applicant completes Sections 1 and 2. (please complete using BLOCK CAPITALS)
  • Section 3 to be completed by the Organisation’s Contact Person i.e. Parish Priest/Chairperson of Board of Management/Agency Manager) on behalf of the Diocese/Parish/School/Diocesan Agency
  • The Organisation’s Contact Person must validate the identity of the applicant (photographic proof of identification and proof of current address, original documents to be presented.)
  • All proof of identification must be retained by the Organisation. Do not send proof of identification to the Western Province Vetting Service office unless requested.
  • The completed e-Vetting Invitation Form (NVB1) should then be posted to the The Western Province Vetting Service, Galway Pastoral Centre, Newtownsmith, Galway City.

Once the Vetting Invitation Form (NVB 1) has been processed the Applicant will receive an email directly from the National Vetting Bureau (NVB) which will give him/her access to their on-line Vetting Application Form (NVB 2).

The Form (NVB 2) must be completed on-line within 30 days or the link will become inactive.

Once Application Form (NVB 2) is processed, the National Vetting Bureau will send a Disclosure to the Diocesan Liaison Person. In respect of the Parish/Agency the Disclosure will be posted to the Contact Person. In respect of the Schools the Contact Person will receive an email with Disclosure attached.

Each Organisation must be in receipt of a Vetting Disclosure before engaging a person.

Proof of Identity

At least two forms of identification must by produced to validate the identity of the applicant when completing the e-Vetting Invitation Form (NVB 1)

  • Photographic I.D. i.e. Current passport or new format drivers licence
  • Proof of current Address i.e. original utility bill or bank statement (issued within the last six months)

(see Proof of Identity Checklist on Diocesan Website)


The applicant must provide a valid email address. If the applicant does not have their own email address they can provide an email that their form may be sent to. This can be the email of a friend or family member or one can be provided for the applicant by the Organisation requesting the vetting.

Role Being Vetted for

Please provide a full description of the role being applied for on the e-Vetting Invitation Form (NVB 1).

It is not sufficient to state ‘volunteer’. The role must be specified, such as Leader of Children’s Choir, Special Needs Assistant, Priest…). If the applicant carries out multiple roles he/she should state the one that involves most contact with children or vulnerable persons.


The legislation is directed at applicants aged 18 years or over at date of signing the form. Applications can be made for those aged 16 and 17 years of age. The decision to vet 16 and 17 year olds is a policy decision for the Organisation in question and this is not a legal requirement. Where an application is being made for a 16-17 year old, the consent of the parent/guardian must be obtained and Parental/Guardian Consent Form (NVB3) must be completed in addition to NVB 1.

Re-Vetting The legislation does not state how often a person should be re-vetted. The NVB recommend anywhere from 1-5 years depending on the nature of the work. The dioceses of the Western Metropolitan Area: Achonry, Clonfert, Elphin, Killala, Galway and Tuam, have a 3 Year re-vetting policy

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